Научная палитра
Электронный научный журнал

Филологические науки
The problems of language ecology in media space
Girik O.E. 1

1. Krasnodar state institute of culture


Environmental problems arising as a result of social formation and scientific and technological progress have led to the emergence of a number of different social and political movements («green», etc.), opposing environmental pollution and other negative consequences of the development of science and technology. All this has led to a phenomenon that can be described as the ecologization of all spheres of life of modern person. For example, the development of the Internet, modern means of communication and an international media space creates the need to apply the principles of the environmental approach to a clear understanding of the actions that are carried out in the field of information technologies and communication.

Keywords: environmental problems, social and political movements, communication, international media space, information technologies and communication.

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